Welcome to Azrya’s TRUST-LED LEADERSHIP journey.
Join me on my private Telegram channel where I consistently…
Drop different lengths of impromptu audio recordings while they’re fresh
Provide a “Conviction IV” for you to soak up and infuse into your own game-changing creations
Track my journey of unconventional fundraising and the tools I am working with as I call in the stewardship of $100M+ for manifesting a regenerative future
Take you behind-the-scenes of the KAVANÂ ecosystem, including our new IN LIFE WE TRUST non-profit initiative
Share key insights around wealth stewardship
Give real-time examples of how I’m using my approach of Trust-led Leadership to guide me beyond my logical mind into more and more subtle states of deep listening and bold, aligned action
Share occasional invitations for you to go deeper into our ecosystem and participate in various offerings
Drop in for a sample transmission from Azrya.
This digital space is meant to be a watering hole for all of us purpose-driven founders and funders of the “more beautiful world our hearts know is possible” (Charles Eisenstein).
Suspend your disbelief and make love to the seemingly impossible KNOWING coming through you with relentless conviction around what massive impact you’re here to create.
Not tomorrow.
Not in the next lifetime.
Not when we have all the logical answers and can prove how secure, safe and reliable this new paradigm is going to be.
But NOW.